First of all, we listen. We don’t enter the room telling you which service is right for you, or making promises we cannot keep. We don’t ask you to complete a form that then goes out to dozens of faceless recruiters.

Our approach is always consultative – you present your needs, we ask questions to learn more, and together we arrive at a process and agree on next steps. From the outset, we work hand-in-hand with you, your hiring manager, or whoever you would like to be involved.

We then tailor each step in the process to be accurately representative of your company, presenting the opportunity to the best talent that fits your needs. And we know where to find the talent, whether in our extensive database of job seekers or by using the technology and social media that job seekers prefer.

After we locate candidates who match the professional qualifications, we move to a step that is equally important – culture fit. In fact, we consider ourselves “custom fit specialists.” After locating candidates whose professional skills match your needs, we evaluate multiple areas of compatibility:

  • Coachability
  • Team Orientation
  • People Orientation
  • Assertiveness
  • Detail Orientation
  • Sensitivity
  • Rules Orientation

We conduct personality inventories and get to know the candidates through face-to-face interviews. We are always looking for the most ethical individuals who are likely to have a long and mutually beneficial career with your firm. When we finally present our preferred candidates, you can be sure that we know them thoroughly and believe they have the potential to make your company better.

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