Executive Staffing Firm or Do It Yourself?

Executive Staffing Firm or Do It Yourself? You’re ready to search for a key new staff member: do you need an executive staffing firm, or can you conduct an equally qualitative search yourself? Here are some considerations to help you choose. You need an executive staffing firm if: A key executive position, including CEO or…


5 Things to Know When Hiring an RPO Provider

There’s a lot of talk going around about what Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) can do for your company. How can you know if your company can benefit from RPO, and how will you know if you’ve found the right RPO firm? Recruitment Process Outsourcing is right for you if:   1. You need flexibility. Maybe…


Choosing an RPO Partner: Questions to Ask

In our last post, we shared 5 Things to Know About RPO. Now we’ll look beyond the process of Recruitment Process Outsourcing and consider some questions you should ask potential partners. While many firms offer RPO, the differences between firms can be greater than you might expect. How will you learn about our company and…
